In order to share true Kindess, One must feel Kind.

Kind is a feeling…one fostered in the Heart.

One needs to feel what it is to receive authentic kindness before One is able to share acts and words that are truly impactful.

Authentic Kindness is born of a Heart felt feeling.

One that somehow assists another Being, in a meaningful way that “Lighten’s the Load” of the Heart, Mind, Spirit and Body.

Absent of the feeling, these words and acts are merely a smoke screen in order to appear Kind.

Appearing Kind mimics what we are trained to see it as.

This is much different than actually feeling kind.

The acts and words, absent of the feeling, leaves the Receiver knowing they should feel better, yet, unable to actually feel better.

Kindness without the feeling, allows the “Giver” to feed their egoic self.

It is a way to create the self dialogue needed to reinforce their own feelings “goodness” or “worth”.

The Receiver is left sensing that something is missing.

Often turning the absence of feeling another’s kindness as “something wrong or lacking within themselves”

Surface Kindness fills the supposed “Giver” and drains the supposed “Receiver”.

When Kindness is delivered from feeling Kind, it is transformative for all whom are involved.

The Giver and Receiver feel the same feelings of what can be described as Humble Fullness.

A Sense of Being in a state of Comfort, Support, Acceptance, Heard, Seen, Encouraged, Lighter, Unburdened.

This feeling lasts….it is always remembered.

That being said…this quote comes to mind and sums this up nicely.

“At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”

― Maya Angelou