In this world, where there are so many “causes” to distract us.

“Causes” to separate us, to pit Individuals, Groups, Skin Colours, the Have’s and the Have Not’s, (the list goes on and on) against each other…..Would it make more sense to Have ONE Unified Voice?

I believe so. I really do. (as exhausting as THAT is at points!!) LMAO!!!

It’s really easy to get lost in the feelings of all the wrong out there.

The feelings of fear, that cause anxiousness, insecurity, lack of self worth. It becomes easier and easier to fall into the trap of blame, shame and guilt.

When we feel blamed, shamed and guilted one of two things happen.

We either carry these as our burden and blame, shame and guilt our very own self,


We become overwhelmed by our feelings of blame, shame and guilt and spew it out, making other humans the target.

As Humans, we tend to be assholes sometimes.

To our Selves, to Each Others.

Suffering can be the catalyst to encourage change.


More often than is necessary, we allow this suffering to suck the will out of us.

This insidious energy sucker..suffering, thwarts the IN-nate, IN-spired desire within the Human Heart (LOVE), to hold our Individual and Collective well being as the primary focus.

The Earth, Dear Humans is akin to a giant sandbox. And, We are, after all, Children of this Beautiful Earth

Perhaps, it is long past due, that we remember this.

Like all primary school children…learning to play nice, share, and create together in a sandbox is an rather important character development lesson.

Humanity Driven Activism….try it on for size 😉 and let’s create something more Beauty Filled.