May be an image of text that says 'Jan 9, 2022 Dear governments, We are so thankful for your help in trying to save our lives but as of March 5, 2022 we will resume living life on our terms. It all ends March 5th Thank you, Management/ We The People'
Jude Penelope
t0205h0phic2form5d954  ·
An official deadline has been set for the BILLIONS of people around the globe who have lost faith in their government’s ability to manage this pandemic.
March 5th is the date we start managing our own physical and mental health decisions globally united, forever after. #Mar5 #fearnot #freedomwins #ourkidsdeservemore #onedateonemission
SHARE! SHARE! SHARE! Tell others! Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, Telegram, WhatsApp, email, text, staple to poles, talk about it, mail it! Start your own initiative either locally or globally. ONE date. ONE mission.